Improved inference of time-varying reproduction numbers during infectious disease outbreaks
Impact of Zika Virus Emergence in French Guiana: A Large General Population Seroprevalence Survey
Determining factors for pertussis vaccination policy: A study in 5 EU countries
ImJoy: an open-source computational platform for the deep learning era
Unlinked rRNA genes are widespread among bacteria and archaea
Highly pathogenic avian influenza H5N8 in south-west France 2016–2017
Genomic Evidence for Local Adaptation of Hunter-Gatherers to the African Rainforest
PastView: a user-friendly interface to explore ancestral scenarios
Diversification of the type IV filament superfamily into machines for adhesion, protein secretion
Assessing Zika Virus Transmission Within Households During an Outbreak in Martinique, 2015-2016
A Fast Likelihood Method to Reconstruct and Visualize Ancestral Scenarios
Dynamics of a type 2 secretion system pseudopilus unraveled by complementary approaches
Real-time analysis of the behaviour of groups of mice via a depth-sensing camera
Comparative Analysis of eleven Healthcare-Associated outbreaks of Middle east Respiratory syndrome
Transmission of Nipah Virus - 14 Years of Investigations in Bangladesh
Distribution and asymptotic behavior of the phylogenetic transfer distance new generation phylogenetic services for non-specialists
Spatio-temporal dynamics of dengue in Brazil: Seasonal travelling waves
Epidemiological characteristics of an urban plague epidemic in Madagascar, August-November, 2017
Graph analysis of fragmented long-read bacterial genome assemblies