CORSER-2A. High negative predictive value of RT-PCR in patients with high likelihood of SARS-CoV-2
Full title: CORSER-2A study group. High negative predictive value of RT-PCR in patients with high likelihood of SARS-CoV-2 infection....
Early chains of transmission of COVID-19 in France, January to March 2020
Euro Surveill Paireau J, Mailles A, Eisenhauer C, de Laval F, Delon F, Bosetti P, Salje H, Pontiès V, Cauchemez S SARS-CoV-2, the virus...
Considerable escape of SARS-CoV-2 Omicron to antibody neutralization
Nature Planas D, Saunders N, Maes P, Guivel-Benhassine F, Planchais C, Buchrieser J, Bolland WH, Porrot F, Staropoli I, Lemoine F, Péré...
New Approach to Accelerated Image Annotation by Leveraging Virtual Reality and Cloud Computing.
Front Bioinform Guérinot C, Marcon V, Godard C, Blanc T, Verdier H, Planchon G, Raimondi F, Boddaert N, Alonso M, Sailor K, Lledo PM,...
Vernal: a tool for mining fuzzy network motifs in RNA
Bioinformatics Oliver C, Mallet V, Philippopoulos P, Hamilton WL, Waldispühl J Motivation: RNA 3D motifs are recurrent substructures,...
Epidemiology and control of SARS-CoV-2 epidemics in partially vaccinated populations
Bosetti P, Tran Kiem C, Andronico A, Colizza V, Yazdanpanah Y, Fontanet A, Benamouzig D, Cauchemez S Background: Vaccination is expected...
Towards Human in the Loop Analysis of Complex Point Clouds
Full title: Towards Human in the Loop Analysis of Complex Point Clouds: Advanced Visualizations, Quantifications, and Communication...
Sensitive visualization of SARS-CoV-2 RNA with CoronaFISH
Life Science Alliance Rensen E, Pietropaoli S, Mueller F, Weber C, Souquere S, Sommer S, Isnard P, Rabant M, Gibier JB, Terzi F,...
Impact of booster vaccination on the control of COVID-19 D wave in the context of waning immunity
Full title: Impact of booster vaccination on the control of COVID-19 Delta wave in the context of waning immunity: application to France...
Viral evolution sustains a dengue outbreak of enhanced severity
Emerg Microbes Infect Inizan C, Minier M, Prot M, O'Connor O, Forfait C, Laumond S, Marois I, Biron A, Gourinat AC, Goujart MA, Descloux...
Impact of SARS-CoV-2 Delta variant on incubation, transmission settings and vaccine effectiveness: R
The Lancet Regional Health - Europe Grant R, Charmet T, Schaeffer L, Galmiche S, Madec Y, Von Platen C, Chény O, Omar F, David C, Rogoff...
A modelling study investigating short and medium-term challenges for COVID-19 vaccination
Full title: A modelling study investigating short and medium-term challenges for COVID-19 vaccination: From prioritisation to the...
SARS-CoV-2 transmission across age groups in France and implications for control
Nature Communications Tran Kiem C, Bosetti P, Paireau J, Crépey P, Salje H, Lefrancq N, Fontanet A, Benamouzig D, Boëlle PY, Desenclos...
Model-based assessment of Chikungunya and O’nyong-nyong virus circulation
Nature communications Hozé N, Diarra I, Sangaré AK, Pastorino B, Pezzi L, Kouriba B, Sagara I, Dabo A, Djimdé A, Thera MA, Doumbo OK, de...
A Minimal yet Flexible Likelihood Framework to Assess Correlated Evolution
Systematic Biology Behdenna A, Godfroid M, Petot P, Pothier J, Lambert A, Achaz G An evolutionary process is reflected in the sequence...