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May 3, 2023
Lessons from COVID-19 for rescalable data collection.
Lancet Infect Dis Bhatia S, Imai N, Watson OJ, Abbood A, Abdelmalik P, Cornelissen T, Ghozzi S, Lassmann B, Nagesh R, Ragonnet-Cronin ML,...
May 31, 2021
Evolution of outcomes for patients hospitalised during the first 9 months of the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic
Published in The Lancet Regional Health – Europe Lefrancq N, Paireau J, Hozé N, Courtejoie N, Yazdanpanah Y, Bouadmaeg L, Boëlle PY,...
Mar 12, 2021
Evaluating the impact of curfews and other measures on SARS-CoV-2 transmission in French Guiana
Nat Commun Andronico A, Tran Kiem C, Paireau J, Succo T, Bosetti P, Lefrancq N, Nacher M, Djossou F, Sanna A, Flamand C, Salje H,...
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