Science and Society: Science and Conscience
Science and Conscience
The reflection on the potential consequences of research or the implementation of technology resulting from research is longstanding. It is often approached through the lens of dual-use research, but in an era where conducted (or not conducted) research is seen as having a significant impact on the trajectories available to our societies, it can take on a much more general character.
Beyond the awareness of the tensions within society and research institutions surrounding the consequences of research choices, there is also the question of the responses that can be addressed and the stakes around these responses. This involves individual or collective decisions by researchers, delegation to committees, political and economic leadership, and collective advocacy. This roundtable aims to address these questions through a discussion among the three guests and the audience.
The next Science and Society seminar at the Institut Pasteur will take place on Friday, January 19, 2024, at 5:30 PM in the François Jacob Auditorium.
It will be a moderated roundtable discussion (45 minutes of discussion among the participants, followed by 45 minutes of discussion with the audience, followed by a less formal gathering with bread and cheese).
The roundtable will feature:
Florence Hachez-Leroy: Historian specializing in contemporary history, particularly in the areas of business, science, technology, and industrial heritage. She recently published "Menaces sur l'alimentation, emballages, colorants et autres contaminants alimentaires" (Threats to Food: Packaging, Coloring, and Other Food Contaminants).
Jérôme Santolini: Researcher at I2BC/CEA in oxidative stress biochemistry, administrator of the association "Science citoyennes," and a member of the "Scientifiques en rébellion" collective.
Jean-Claude K. Dupont: Philosopher, head of the ethics department at the Pasteur Institute.
As usual, for organizational purposes, it is advisable to register by sending an email to (This is essential for individuals external to the Pasteur Institute)