Nature Communications
Maximilian Zinke, Maylis Lejeune, Ariel Mechaly, Benjamin Bardiaux,
Ivo Gomperts Boneca, Philippe Delepelaire & Nadia Izadi-Pruneyre
Active nutrient uptake is fundamental for survival and pathogenicity of Gramnegative
bacteria, which operate a multi-protein Ton system to transport essential nutrients like metals and vitamins. This system harnesses the proton motive force at the innermembrane to energize the import through the outer membrane, but themechanism of energy transfer remains enigmatic.Here, we study the periplasmic domain of ExbD, a crucial component of the proton channel of the Ton system. We show that this domain is a dynamic dimer
switching between two conformations representing the proton channel’sopen and closed states. By in vivo phenotypic assays we demonstrate that this conformational switch is essential for the nutrient uptake by bacteria. The open state of ExbD triggers a disorder to order transition of TonB, enabling TonB to supply energy to the nutrient transporter. We also reveal the anchoring role of the peptidoglycan layer in this mechanism. Herein, we propose
a mechanistic model for the Ton system, emphasizing ExbD duality and the pivotal catalytic role of peptidoglycan. Sequence analysis suggests that this mechanism is conserved in other systems energizing gliding motility and membrane integrity. Our study fills important gaps in understanding bacterial motor mechanism and proposes novel antibacterial strategies.
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